Neighborhood Survey
resident perspectives
A survey was developed by the head of the Planning and Development Committee of the Spring Harbor Neighborhood Association (SHNA) and administered in December of 2021 and January 2022. The goal was to better understand residents' views on the Lake Mendota Drive reconstruction project, as opinions on the full scope of the project had not been systematically or broadly solicited by anyone at the City or the District 19 representative, Keith Furman. The results of that survey are reviewed here.

Where did this project come from? Many, if not most, residents were unaware of the planned LMD reconstruction project until surveyors were in the area in the Fall measuring traffic volume and speed and collecting other topographic data. Those who had heard that road reconstruction was on the horizon were largely unaware of the full scope of the planned project, and many had no idea that they would receive assessments from the City for various aspects of the project, totaling thousands of dollars per property.
The City stood up a digital survey online in late 2021 asking Spring Harbor (SH) residents about issues with flooding on resident property and other engineering-related questions. Sidewalk installation was presented as a given, and residents were informed that a planning phase for the project had been going on for months at the City (without resident involvement). It was unclear whether this survey was being distributed to all residents of the SH neighborhood or just to residents whose properties will be directly affected by the project. It was also unclear if the results would be shared with residents. (Update: The results of that survey were posted on the LMD Project website on 2.17.22; respondents included residents both on and off LMD).
The City has also presented, at several meetings, results of another, more general survey of Madison residents about their views on transportation issues, including sidewalks. Importantly, these survey results were not asked in any particular context (e.g., a specific neighborhood) or of residents affected by specific projects. Survey results, and research in general, should always be interpreted in context. Results from one population sample are not necessarily generalizable to another. The best and most rigorous approach is to base a survey on the population that stands to be affected by survey results. The City’s Madison-wide survey does not accomplish this.
Given that whatever happens on Lake Mendota Drive is likely to affect what happens throughout the neighborhood whenever streets are repaired, it is critical to have the perspectives of those living in the Spring Harbor neighborhood, both along and off LMD. Since no representatives of the City or our own elected representatives took steps to proactively and broadly solicit residents’ views, the head of the Planning and Development Committee of the SHNA developed and administered a survey of the residents who actually live in the neighborhood. Nearly 200 residents responded.
Goals of Neighborhood Survey
The survey initiated by the head of the SHNA Planning and Development Committee, Tom Kneubuehl, was put together and circulated in late December 2021. The purpose of the survey was to:
- Raise awareness among neighborhood residents that a significant project for LMD was underway by the City of Madison, starting in 2022, involving potential sidewalks on one or both sides of the street along with curb and gutter installation the length of the street and new street ends on Capital Ave and Norman Way.
- Learn what people in the neighborhood thought of the project so discussions could focus on what the neighborhood wants.
- Gain a sense of specific concerns as LMD is an old street with significant portions on a grade and many of the properties lining the street are quite complex.
- To document the range of concerns, questions and ideas, and quantify the general level of agreement and disagreement.
This survey was open to respondents beginning December 27, 2021. It remains open, but the results in this report are based on respondents’ input through January 23, 2022.
NOTE: For anyone who has not yet responded to the survey, please go to the following link and complete it: If you have already taken the survey but have changed your views, you may retake the survey, and your earlier responses will be replaced by your most recent responses.
Results of Neighborhood Survey
192 Residents of Spring Harbor and Indian Hills responded to the survey; 97 respondents live on Lake Mendota Dr. or have a corner lot that is affected by the LMD project and 95 live elsewhere in the neighborhood. Of the 120 homes directly affected by the reconstruction project (i.e., properties with land adjacent to the planned reconstruction), 59% responded to the survey.
Key findings were that residents are very active on LMD, a clear majority of respondents are concerned about the impact of the LMD reconstruction project on large canopy trees and worried about the installation of additional hardscape that can’t absorb stormwater. Both on and off LMD, residents are not in favor of sidewalks. Neither are residents over 70 or residents with mobility limitations. Half of respondents with young children are not in favor of sidewalks, but a sizable percentage are unsure and want more information. There is near consensus among residents on LMD against sidewalks and for exploring alternatives to sidewalks.
Detailed results are presented in a larger report, found here. (if you cannot access the link, please email to receive a copy of the report.